from THY WoMB, another quality entry this year of MMFF is … THe STRaNGeRS and I
must say the most horrifying local film of 2012.
will exclude my review on the synopsis but I can assure you, 100% that you will
love if not like Lawrence Fajardo’s THe STRaNGeRS. I may sound so subjective
but if you prefer horror films, don’t miss this one.

STRaNGeRS will keep your attention until the end and you will ask for more
about the film. All doubts you have while watching will be answered and
revelations are surprising. Numerous twists of the story have a strong impact
on the viewers that will keep you on your seat. So make sure that you are
comfortable inside the theater and never blink as you might miss a scene.

me say, CONGRATULATIONS to the cast and crew of THe STRaNGeRS for an
outstanding job and THANK YOU for a film that sets a new standards in making
ASWANG story to the big screen.
5/5 is overrated. I'd throw in a 3 or 3.5, not a perfect a score really. It's suspenseful and all, but there were bits of laziness in scripting. (Too much use of red herrings for the "big" reveal).
TumugonBurahinI think this one stands a chance on being third best. 1.) The Road (Yam Laranod) 2.) San Lazaro (by Wincy Aquino. It came out on Home Entertainment this year. =D) and 3.) The Strangers. Nice review. =))
@ Armandp dela Cruz THe STRaNGeRS is an original story, Yam Laranas' THe RoaD has somehow similar to PSYCHO.
TumugonBurahinThis is my no. 1 Horror Movie of 2010, The Road is 2nd. (I'll post it tomorrow.) check it out.